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MY LHD CAR FOR NORWAYDo you have a specific query on Norwegian cars? Click here.Our Experience The NORWEGIAN second-hand car market is an expensive and closed one. Why choose MY LHD NORWAY?
The registration procedure is complex, this is why we highly recommend importing a UK registered Left Hand Drive Car that we would sell to you.
To find out more about our sales and registration scheme, please visit this page click HERE.
We also encourage our customers to fully utilize our services to import a Left Hand Drive car into NORWAY for our delivery service to STAVANGAR, which is only charged 950 GBP.
And our stress free sales scheme, includes registration and insurance assistance. If we do not have the LHD Car that you require on our website, you may file an enquiry, and we will find your ideal Left Hand Drive vehicle for you.
We have access to thousands of vehicles on the continent, so click on the link and submit your enquiry. First time registration of a used, imported vehicle source mynorge.noThe following is a checklist for persons who are bringing a vehicle to Norway for first-time registration. The rules do not apply if you have a temporary residence permit and can drive without paying tax in Norway. First-time registration step by step Step 1: Customs clearanceForeign vehicles to be registered in Norway must be customs cleared immediately after arrival. Contact your local customs office for further information. Step 2: ApprovalPrior to the registration of your motor vehicle in Norway, it must be approved by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. To obtain approval, you must provide documentation of a completed periodic roadworthiness test. Alternatively, you can provide documentation proving that the vehicle meets the technical requirements for motor vehicles in Norway. NOTE! When a vehicle has been registered in another country, all parts of foreign vehicle registration certificates must be submitted. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on tel. 06650 to book an appointment for the approval of your vehicle. For further information about the technical requirements for your vehicle, contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration:
Step 3: One off motor vehicle taxBefore your car can be registered in Norway, you must pay a one-off motor vehicle tax to the Norwegian Customs Service (certain groups of vehicles are exempt from this duty). Step 4: RegistrationBefore you can use your vehicle, it must be registered at one of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Traffic Services Offices. When registering your vehicle, the following documents must be presented to the Traffic Services Office:
With certain exceptions, trailers must also be registered in the same way as motor vehicles. |